One of the incredible authors at Authors’ Day at the Muller House Museum. Sunday, March 2nd, 1 – 4 p.m. 1542 S. Beacon Street:
Jim Shneer is a retired Aerospace engineering manager who specialized in the development of satellite ground stations. Since retiring, Jim has lectured on local military history, railroad history, lighthouses and the Channel Islands. In addition to local topics, he has lectured on naval history, Middle East history, the whaling industry, and calendar mathematics. He makes a regular appearance as an author for the online Palos Verdes Pulse Magazine and the Palos Verdes Magazine. He is a docent at the Pt. Vicente Interpretive Center and a member of the Friends of the Pt. Vicente Lighthouse. Jim currently has 12 books in print including five on naval history.
This annual event is free. Authors may have books available for sale and to sign.